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Accounting & Tax Services

If you’re looking for a firm that will focus on your individual needs, and always treat you like a client who matters, look no further.  Our firm is large enough to offer a full range of professional services, but small enough to give you the individual attention that you deserve.

We will thoroughly and conscientiously study your personal situation, and tailor our advice to your specific needs.

Accounting Software Selection & Implementation

There is no shortage of accounting software solutions for your business. Software as a service (SaaS), cloud computing, and other technological innovations are adding more dimensions to technology decisions. Choosing the right solution that will meet the needs of your business now and in the future while also providing a necessary level of security is crucial. We can analyze the nature of your business and financial transactions, current technology, future business plans and emerging needs to identify and implement a software solution that is flexible enough to grow and change with your business.

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Business Consulting

As a true business partner, we are available to help you deal with any business problem or opportunity. We stand ready to engage in business consulting projects to help you make the right decisions for the future of your business. Whether you face questions related to expanding, selling or restructuring your business, we have the necessary business acumen and analytical capabilities to help you make the right decisions.

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Business Entity Selection

The business entity—LLP, LLC, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, etc.— that you select for your business has enormous financial and tax implications. It is important that you make the right decision. We can explain each choice and its implications. As your business grows and changes, the type of business entity you choose may need to change also.

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Estate & Trust Tax Preparation

Estate matters affect everyone. By taking proactive steps today, you can ease the way for your heirs during a very difficult time. We can work with your legal counsel to help you to structure your estate and trusts to minimize taxes and ensure the smooth transition to your heirs. We are available to handle all estate and trust tax-related matters.

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IRS Representation

An IRS audit can be an intimidating and complex process. If you or your business face an IRS audit, we can bring to bear years of experience in dealing with tax matters and IRS audit procedures to ensure that you are properly represented when dealing with the IRS and other tax authorities.

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Notary Public

A notary public can help you to handle various business matters, including witnessing and authenticating document execution and signatures. We offer Notary Public services and are available when you need us.

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Payroll Services

Constantly changing federal, state and local laws and tax regulations make payroll management an ongoing challenge for business owners. Our payroll services professionals are well versed on these laws and regulations. We can proactively alert you to material changes that will affect your business and your employees while also keeping payroll running smoothly no matter how large your business and your employee population become.

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Sales Tax Services

State and local tax authorities are looking to maximize sales tax collections. We can help you understand and manage your sales tax obligations and prepare sales tax returns in an efficient and timely manner.

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Tax Preparation & Planning

Effective tax preparation and planning can help you to minimize your future tax liability. We can help you proactively manage both your personal and your business tax issues, including understanding how upcoming business opportunities impact your tax status and vice versa. Not all tax planning opportunities are readily apparent. By having us on your team, you are more likely to benefit from those opportunities. We understand how the latest federal, state and local tax legislation and other developments affect you and your business and we are constantly identifying new ways to reduce federal, state or local tax liabilities.

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Tax Problem & Resolution Services

Back Taxes Owed

Have you filed your tax returns every year, but not paid all the tax you owe? Maybe you just didn’t have enough money at the time and planned to pay more later. Unfortunately, the penalties and interest that are added to back taxes greatly increase how much you will ultimately owe the government. If you are delinquent on your taxes and haven’t yet heard from the IRS, you soon will. The IRS may place a lien on your property or a levy on your bank accounts or wages. The potential damage from unpaid back taxes can be financially ruinous, but it is often avoidable. We can help you assess your tax debt options and negotiate a workable payment plan with the IRS. Unpaid back taxes is a problem that rarely goes away on its own. Contact us today and resolve your tax liability issues.

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Bank Levy

A bank levy freezes your bank accounts. Any checks you have written will bounce. You will not be able to withdraw any funds or pay any bills. Generally, you have 21 days to respond to the IRS after your financial institution receives a Notice of Levy for your accounts. After that, your accounts are drained and the money is sent to the IRS. If you act immediately, we may be able to get the levy revoked. Together, we can compile and forward the IRS the information they require to release the levy. We will also negotiate the best possible payment arrangement the law and your finances allow.

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IRS Audit Representation

Have you received a Notice of Audit and Examination Scheduled from the IRS? An IRS audit is a review of an organization’s or individual’s accounts to ensure information is being reported correctly. Ignoring an audit usually means the IRS files your return for you and you end up paying much more. An IRS audit is a serious situation, but with experienced help most tax difficulties can be resolved. You don’t have to face an audit alone. Our associates are qualified to represent you before the examination division of the IRS. Oftentimes we can save taxpayers many times the cost of representation and quickly bring the audit to a close.

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A federal tax lien arises shortly after the IRS makes an assessment of your tax and sends you a demand for payment. A Notice of Federal Tax Lien lets your creditors know the IRS has a claim against all your property–including property you may purchase in the future. Once the lien arises, the IRS generally will not release it until the taxes, penalties, and fees are paid in full. But there are actions you can take. If you contact us immediately, we may be able to file an appeal with the IRS and have your lien reconsidered. Our tax experts will thoroughly examine your situation to see if you qualify for a payment or penalty reduction. We can find out if the Statute of Limitations has expired or if your finances allow you to file as Currently Not Collectible. Failing these, we will diligently work to set up a payment plan with the IRS and get the lien revoked.

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Payroll Taxes Owed

Falling out of compliance with IRS payroll regulations can destroy your business. Not only that, it can ruin your personal finances. Perhaps you’ve gotten behind on payroll taxes through an oversight or a temporary lack of funds. Whatever the reason, it is important to note that the IRS pays particular attention to small businesses that fall behind on their employees’ federal withholdings. If the IRS decides that your business has violated payroll tax rules it may come after your personal bank accounts and assets–even if your business files for bankruptcy protection. If you have received correspondence from the IRS about payroll issues, you need experienced representation now. Let our tax experts help you resolve your payroll tax issues so you can get back to running your business.

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Penalty/Interest Abatement

One of the worst things about IRS tax controversies are the penalties and interest tacked on to your original bill. There are penalties for late filing, late payment, and negligence, to name but a few–and the interest on unpaid taxes can rapidly increase your total tax liability. If you are struggling with unpaid taxes plus additional penalties and interest, we can help. The IRS may abate certain penalties if there is reasonable cause and the failure was not due to willful neglect. Many taxpayers who have not previously had major issues with the IRS can qualify for a first time penalty waiver. Generally, the IRS does not revoke interest charges, but some established interest suspension provisions do apply–especially where the IRS has made an error. We understand if you are overwhelmed by penalties and interest. They often appear arbitrary and unfair. We will carefully scrutinize your tax situation to see where penalties and/or interest may be waived.

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Unfiled Returns

If you have neglected to file a tax return from a previous year or years you should do so immediately–even if you think you can’t pay. The penalties and interest you may face for not filing a return are often much worse than if you file but do not pay in full. In other words, you have nothing to gain by not filing tax returns except hefty fines and possible jail time. We have the expertise you need to straighten out your misunderstanding with the IRS.

Once we have filed your missing returns, we can help you work out a payment plan or an Offer in Compromise. Please note that the IRS will not accept any payment arrangement or revoke a lien or levy until all delinquent tax returns are filed. Contact us today to learn more about filing your overdue tax returns.

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